The National Health Service (NHS) have certainly had their work cut out for them in 2020. On top of their usual day-to-day grind of keeping British citizens alive and healthy, they have had the responsibility of battling Covid-19 and trying to stay on top of Britain’s hundreds of thousands of cases. Many people have found creative ways to show their gratitude to the NHS.
This isn’t always easy while trying to social distance.

One talented young chap however, found a way to show his appreciation among his neighbours.
Cole Lam, a 13 year-old with an overflow of talent took to his front yard during “Clap for Carers”, a weekly event on Thursdays at 8pm throughout the UK. With a wealth of videos online of his incredible skills on piano and keyboard, it’s no shock that he would be known as a local talent in his little neighbourhood. Now, he gets to use his power for great good, in supporting the nurses and paramedics living around him.

And he got quite the turnout for his performance!
Armed with only a keyboard, an amplifier and his bucketload of talent, rather than simply standing outside and clapping to show support for the NHS, they get a real show too! And the choice of song is every bit as British as you’d expect…

The song? Just a little ditty by a band called QUEEN!
Cole plays one of Queen’s most up-beat and rockin’ songs, “Don’t Stop Me Now”. It’s one of those awesome rock ballads with highs and lows, alternating between big rock n’ roll swells, and soft piano intros and outros. There’s no way to NOT have a great time listening to it, and represents the tenacity of the hard-working NHS in this trying time.

So all the neighbours gather and watch on in admiration.
I’m guessing Cole’s talent is no secret to his neighbours, and it seems that they delight hugely in his little show.

Even the cops showed up!
Don’t worry, he’s not in any trouble! In fact, it’s quite the opposite. A police officer watches on proudly, offering the razzle-dazzle of his lights, and a few boops of the siren when Cole finishes. How cool is that?!

And if Freddie can rock it, so can Cole!
As the song reaches its natural swell, Cole rises to the occasion…literally! Standing up and hammering down on his poor unsuspecting keyboard, Cole gets his neighbours rocking out. He even does that cool sweeping down the keys thing you’d expect to see in some trendy jazz and blues bar.

When he’s all done, his neighbours give him a grand applause.
This highly talented lad has used his skill to offer a humble tip of his hat to those who are putting their lives (and sanity!) on the line every single day. Not content to simply stand outside and clap for a minute, he goes the extra mile to show his appreciation. He proudly stands up when he’s done, and the gratitude his neighbours even feel towards him is clear.

Watch the full video below to enjoy this royally rocking gesture!
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