While it’s not unusual to see a dog shake a paw or roll over, seeing a cat do it is a completely different story.
As we walk through a neighborhood, we don’t often see cats doing tricks (or obeying their owners in the slightest), so the idea that a cat can be trained is a bit foreign to most. But Samantha Martin, lifelong animal trainer and founder of the Amazing Acro-Cats, explains to the Huffington Post, “Any cat can be trained”— the problem is that people just don’t think to do it.
One cat named Didja is living proof of a cat’s trainability, with videos of her performances going viral many times over.
According to Guinness World Records, Didja (short for Didgaroo) is a shelter cat that was adopted by owner Robert Dollwell. Since her adoption, Didja has been a veritable sponge, learning multiple tricks and performing them for yummy treats.

Most recently, Didja set the Guinness World Record for the most tricks performed by a cat in under a minute. The little furball did 20 tricks in less than 60 seconds, all the while abiding by Guinness’s rules.
During the minute-long routine, Didja high-fives, rolls over, spins, waves, and even rides a skateboard!
You can see the video of the record-breaking performance below.
Although Didja has become a real life celebrity, her early beginnings were much more humble.
In this video, we see a young Didja practicing her roll-over trick alongside two large Rottweiler dogs named Lucy and Phoenix.
First, owner Robert lines up the animals, instructing them all to lie down. He then signals each of them to roll over, one by one— and Didja definitely does not disappoint!
To see little Didja’s flawless roll, check out the clip below!
And don’t forget to subscribe to Robert and Didja’s YouTube channel for more awesome videos like this one!
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