Though it goes without saying, there are so many different kinds of music all over the world.
Recently in America, some of the most popular genres seem to be pop, electronic music and hip-hop. Before that, there was a huge wave of synth-based music, indie and rock in the 1980s.

Before that, it was all the classic rock sounds of the 1970s going back and back throughout history. Still, the root of so many of these different genres goes back to a kind of blues and roots music, music that speaks to the hard times in life and makes thrifty use of whatever’s available to spread a message.
That spirit is definitely still alive in the performances of the man we’re talking about today.

While he may not be a household name, Brushy One String is an artist that comes directly out of that tradition.
For those who don’t know, Brushy One String is a Jamaican guitarist and reggae artist who got his name from his distinctive style of playing—he uses an acoustic guitar that only has one string!

Because his approach to music is so minimal, he uses the soulful feeling behind the music to propel it forward. Still, his musical skills and his voice are strong enough that you barely notice he isn’t playing with a full guitar!
Though he uploads all kinds of performances online, his most successful and popular is a video for “Chicken in the Corn.”

As he explains in the beginning of the video, he just might be the only one-stringed-guitarist in the whole world!
With that, he sets into playing an exciting and energetic beat, plucking the string and tapping the guitar with his other hand. In the background, the other men he’s with start bopping along to the music.

It’s undeniable that Brushy One String puts his entire heart and soul into his performances, and even though this one is limited in scope, it still gets everyone in the area moving!
To date, the video he’s posted has gotten some 28 million views.

Still, that’s not the only thing that Brushy One String has done that’s gotten attention.
After posting videos and building a reputation for himself, Brushy One String even made it all the way onto NPR for his own Tiny Desk Concert!

Although his initial video was the viral spark that started the flame, this one is a whole new jump forward. Just as in the first performance, the entire thing is about nuance, subtlety, and emotion.
Even though he’s working with very few tools musically speaking, he makes the entire thing sing!
Needless to say, Brushy One String’s performances should be an inspiration to artists everywhere.
Although it’s easy to focus on what we don’t have, or how much better we would be if we had other things, the truth is that all we need is what’s right in front of us to make magic. Sometimes, our limitations actually encourage our creativity rather than stifling it—and if you ever need to remind yourself that, just watch this video again!
Congratulations to Brushy One String on all his success! Be sure to watch the full performance below:
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