I don’t know about you, but my memory of my relationship with my brother growing up involves a lot of annoying each other and crying.
I used to sing (badly) at the top of my lungs in the shower, and he took up drums and electric guitar. I don’t know what my parents were thinking.
But little Claire and Carson Crosby seem to have an entirely different relationship. They’re the perfect example of what can happen when siblings actually live in harmony! And when they have talent… that’s a key component.

Okay, so maybe not every pair of siblings who get along will have their own smash hit YouTube channel.
But these talented two and the rest of their family have racked up more than three million subscribers, and half a million Instagram followers!
Their living-room performance of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is sure to melt your heart, and make you look at your own sibling, wondering how quickly they could pick up some ukulele chords.
But make no mistake, this isn’t your average version of the classic child’s song. They’ve put their own spin on it, and their angelic voices make it super unique!
Seven-year-old Claire has been singing for years, and was invited to perform on Ellen with her dad. The pair stole hearts and were even brought back a few times!

She and her dad are an adorable pair, but he’s been replaced by a new co-star.
Now that her younger brother, Carson is a bit older the two can blend their musical talents together. He’s only five, but has learned to play an instrument. He has his own blue ukulele!
Next to the small instrument, little Carson looks kind of like he’s holding a regular guitar.

Some familiar sibling communication comes through before they get started. With Claire taking control of directing who’s doing what role.
“I’m going to do the introduction, and you can talk with me if you want.”
A total future girl boss!
It doesn’t look like Carson is a stranger to being bossed around, but he lets his big sister take the lead on what she does well.
She is already an accomplished performer, after all.

It’s Carson’s first time performing on video, so he’s a little nervous and shy in front of the camera, but has clearly done a lot of practicing!
Claire gives the go-ahead and starts singing, and her brother gets to strumming.

He’s still learning, so Claire stays encouraging and helps lead him through the tune. It’s adorable how well the two work together!
The longer they play, the more confident Carson becomes. And it doesn’t take long!
Musical talent clearly runs in the family.
They sum up the song and Claire offers her little bro a high five. Nailed it!

I’m still in awe of how well they work together. This is the kind of sibling love you can’t just fake for the camera.
I think we can expect to see big things from these two in the coming years. They have so many open doors ahead of them at such a young age.
Can we look forward to a brother-sister-daddy collaboration? There’s also a younger sibling who’s getting ready to join Claire and Carson in the lime light.
And there’s already another baby on the way. The kids just keep coming… the family is like a talented version of the Kardashians!
Watch the talented siblings perform their adorable rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by clicking below.
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