When you’re in high school, the day to day of life can be a bit of a drudgery.
You have to go to school and get good grades for the next phase of life, in order to get into a good college and to get a good job and so on.

Still, the truth is a lot of high schools don’t end up being all that relevant, and there’s a lot of stuff you have to trudge through. Because of all that, any bright spots in the day or elements of fun really spice things up a bit.
To that end, school assemblies and talent shows were some of the best days.

In the past, these days were just distant memories that we sometimes reminisce fondly on.
Still, the advent of the internet and of YouTube has changed all that. These days, your school assembly memories could be captured on film and put online to live on forever.

The more interesting thing, however, is that these kinds of performances even get affected by YouTube the other way as well. In other words, kids are performing in these shows with the knowledge that they might get put on YouTube!
And sometimes, it leads to hilarious performances like this one.

The clip we’re talking about was loaded online on October 27th, 2015.
As the video begins, there’s a short intertitle explaining the situation. The performance was supposed to be a duet between two boys, Adam and Austin, but they got into a fight before the show started.

As such, Austin decided to continue on stage to do the performance all by himself. With that, the clip begins with Austin sitting at a drum set on stage, arranging the kit and beginning to play.
As it starts, Austin starts out doing a drum roll very very slowly before gradually accelerating.

Before long, it starts to sound like a drum roll, speeding up and getting faster and faster.
When he’s up to full speed, he moves the sticks around the kit and starts hitting other drums as the crowd applauds. After doing a short drum solo, he instructs the crowd to help him with a count.

Just then, Adam bursts on stage and smashes his cymbal a bunch of times to stop him. He tells him to stop playing his “devil’s music,” and the crowd laughs. Instead, Adam says that at this school, they have to play jazz.
With that, Austin gets up and Adam starts to play an upbeat shuffle.

Before long, Austin sits back down at his kit as well and joins in drumming.
After that, he picks up the rhythm that Adam puts down… and before long they’re passing drum lines back and forth between each other.

Their performance gets better and better until the end, when they leap out of their chairs and start drumming on the floor and on some metal stools on the stage. Before long, they’re in the audience drumming on the walkways in the audience railways!
When it’s finally over, they do one last drum roll and the crowd gives them a huge round of applause.

Since the clip was uploaded, it has been viewed nearly five million times and counting.
Although these boys are plenty talented in and of themselves, what makes this work above all is the storytelling element—and the fact that they abandoned their drums and started jumping into the crowd!

Needless to say, nobody who was there that day will ever forget what they saw.
Congratulations to these two boys on such a memorable performance! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.