How good can you possibly be at playing guitar at the age of 16?
Well, Max Ostro started playing when he was 12 and is now able to deliver some riffs that sometimes can trouble a lot more experienced musicians.

For those who don’t know, Ostro is a guitar wonder from Russia.

Ostro began publishing YouTube videos four years ago.
That’s when he first impressed the internet community with his unbelievable guitar playing skills. He was only 12 at the time, but now his channel has 56,800 subscribers. There are numerous videos of him playing various electric and acoustic guitars, and all of them are great!

Even though he’s from Russia, Ostro gives the appearance of having just stepped out of a Wes Anderson movie.
His entire look gives the impression of being from another time. He has a unique approach, that’s for sure!
His blank face expression throughout the whole video is hilarious.

As the video begins, the first thing you see is Max sitting in front of the camera.
He’s got an acoustic guitar in his lap and another one beside him.

The young boy wears big black glasses, and has a very unique hairstyle that works for him—at the very least, it makes him instantly recognizable.
The video intro says that he plays “Rhumba” by Didula, and Ostro doesn’t talk at all during the video. His only form of communicating with the audience is casting a casual glance at the camera now and then. Other than that, he remains completely serious.

He doesn’t show any emotions, even when he plays some of the most difficult parts.
There is something oddly appealing about his confidence. We’re guessing that anyone could take some inspiration from the way Max easily sits in front of the camera, lost in his own world while playing guitar.
It must feel amazing to have such great skills at such a young age.

The boy is massively talented, there’s no doubt about it.
Probably the best part of the video is how effortlessly he plays the song, making it seem easy. At the same time, the withering glances he gives every time he looks at the camera add some unexpected humor to the performance. To have that kind of enigmatic stage presence will probably make people more interested in getting to know him.

It’s probably one of the things that attracted his 13,600 Instagram followers in the first place!
Max is the type of guy that can stir the YouTube scene up a bit—he’s got the talent and it’s clear he practices a lot. When love for music meets that level of commitment, and when you start as young as Max did, there are chances you’ll build an enviable career.
Since the video was posted, it has earned a lot of attention in a relatively short time.

Max published the video in 2019, and he already has over three million YouTube views across all his videos.
That’s an amazing success, given the fact that he’s still a teenager and has all the time in the world to shape his career and find his place in the music world.

We wish him luck—but based on this performance, we don’t think he’s going to need it!
If you want more of Max’s unique guitar stylings, be sure to watch his other videos on YouTube as well.
Click below to see the entire performance:
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