While we’re usually only familiar with the singing competitions that happen in America, many of the shows we watch are international franchises.
Even if American Idol might be the most recognizable of all the programs, the truth is that Idol was originally a British show in the first place.

In fact, some of the other most popular shows in that category like The X Factor and Got Talent are made by a lot of the same people—and there are a ton of different versions all around the world.
As a result, it means that there are a lot of untapped performances to watch all over the internet!

The one we’re talking about today comes from the 2018 season of The Voice of Romania.
Like any other version of the show, contestants come out to perform for the audience and a panel of judges in a “blind audition.” As the person sings, the judges listen and can hit their buzzers to turn around and compete for them to join their team if they like what they hear.

Just like any other episode, that’s what happened when contestant Bogdan Ioan stepped out to perform.
Still, nobody expected him to perform the way he did.

When it comes to these musical auditions, it’s important to pick the right song.
You want to do something that’s going to connect with you and with the audience at the same time, and sometimes that means doing a song that’s fairly recognizable.

Still, when you pick a song that’s too iconic or memorable, you may have a hard time rising up to the audience’s expectations. The song that Ioan chose to sing was “Earth Song” by Michael Jackson. Though of all his songs it’s not the most recognizable, it still has his distinctive delivery and voice behind it.
Fortunately, Ioan was more than up to the challenge of singing it.

Right from the first notes of the backing music, the judges are already on the edge of their seat.
As soon as Ioan’s voice comes out, the judges all look at one another as if Michael Jackson had actually just appeared on stage!

Without missing a beat, all four of them smash their buzzers immediately after just a few notes. Needless to say, Ioan’s voice and tone were pitch perfect to Jackson’s own distinctive voice!
Still, Ioan has the entire song to perform still even though the judges have turned.

As it goes on, Ioan’s performance only gets more and more confident and assured.
For their part, the judges can’t even believe what they’re hearing. A moment later, they’re getting out of their seats and running around onstage in disbelief.

Although Jackson’s vocal qualities are hard to imitate, Ioan does it effortlessly. The song just gets more and more powerful as it goes on and the judges lose their minds.
When it’s finally over, the crowd gives him a huge round of applause!

Though there have been plenty of great performances on the show over the years, this one was truly something special.
It takes a lot to top a classic song, and it especially takes a lot to imitate Michael Jackson convincingly!

Fortunately, Ioan did it all and then some—and he blew the entire audience away. Though there’s no telling where he’ll go in the future, we’re guessing he has a bright future in the music industry.
Congratulations to Bogdan Ioan on a truly jaw-dropping performance! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the links below:
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