Even for people who aren’t Christians, nearly everyone in the world knows the song “Amazing Grace.”

Many religions have their own way of giving worship.
Most have songs or hymns of praise dedicated to God, especially Christians. One of the most notable and famous hymns of theirs is “Amazing Grace,” a song written by John Newton in 1772 and published in 1779.

To this day, the song remains relevant—in fact, a lot of people have kept this song alive for decades by sharing their own beautiful renditions of it.

Although the hymn was originally written in England, Newton’s composition quickly spread influence in America.
Christians in the US quickly grew as churches and other religious buildings sprung up all over the place.

Preachers have used the hymn to get across the population.
The composition was sung without any musical accompaniments by a choir group. The group bounces harmonies off one another in a way that sounds heavenly. The hymn was sung at a snail’s pace, singing every word full of soul.

The Acappella Company shared this simple cover of “Amazing Grace” back in 2017.
The group was not performing on any stages but instead, they simply created a circle in a small break room and began singing.

Wes McKinzie started the song with his deep bass vocals with the rest of the group humming a harmonic tune in the background.
It all seemed like the same classic “Amazing Grace” tune that you might hear in churches—until the tempo took on a jollier pace. While everyone knows the main version of it, you likely haven’t heard it performed quite like this before.
You could probably dance to their fantastic singing!

What’s even greater is that these talented guys are having the time of their lives singing!
Talent is oozing from their voices as they sing with a fun doo-wop vibe as they jam together. Despite it having this kind of a rhythmic tune, it still maintains its spiritual meaning.

At some point, you can even hear one of the members singing in Spanish.
It makes you appreciate the acoustics in the room, as if the whole gang were in an actual recording studio. If we were in that room, we probably would’ve been dancing!
As the view count shows, the internet definitely enjoyed their cover.

The song is perfect to listen to during the holidays, but it’s also a nice reminder of our inner strength during any time of struggle.
As the world heard this cover, everyone clicked with it—and it earned over a million views on the channel.
Without a doubt, these guys are the real deal!

Everyone in the a cappella group is an incredible singer and it is worth hearing more of their renditions and originals.
The group was founded in 1982, and as the years have passed, they have only gotten better! If you liked this performance, be sure to pay the group a visit on their YouTube channel as well as their website. In hard times, we can all use something to lift our spirits—and this performance is the perfect thing for anybody who’s feeling down!
Congratulations to these talented performers! Be sure to watch the entire song by clicking on the link below:
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