Are you ready for some crazy well synchronized action? These young men have quite the routine for you!
This kind of skill you’ll see in the video will blow your mind!
It has memorization, it has style, and it has laughs! What more could you want?

In a video posted to YouTube, a stage curtain is seen opening up to reveal
six young men on stage, all wearing identical uniforms!
Nothing crazy, just jeans, a white t-shirt and some stylish shades!
One of the young men, the fellow furthest to the left, begins snapping…
Pretty quickly, all of them are snapping in perfect unison!
Except snapping isn’t all they can do in unison… No, the routine can become much more complicated, surely!
As they snap, the boys begin adding in claps to their legs and chests!
No, that’s not them performing the pledge of allegiance up above, they’re just playing their natural instruments!
It’s a slow wind-up, with the young men showing off their rudiments to begin with!
They’re keeping a perfect beat and playing different hits individually to show off their stuff!
Eventually, the routine needs a little bit extra to keep it going, so the boys get a little cheeky and start throwing in criss crosses with their hits! Because surely the routine was too easy, right?
These six young men must have practiced long and hard for this!
You have to wonder just how far they’ll take this!
By around the time they start adding to the mix by also using each other as drums, the boys have stayed perfectly in sync for no insignificant amount of time!
This might seem easy or something to some of you watching from home… You’d be wrong!
This routine has hundreds of steps that each of these young men have memorized!
As the routine gets continuously more wild, the boys never stop to pull out fun, new moves to keep the audience engaged.
Seriously, they only get more impressive and even little duets take place!
Needless to say, the internet absolutely loved this video!
It has an impressive 11 million views on YouTube! Check out some of these comments!
“these people must of have THE BEST secret handshake in the world” -Carol Zhang
“Who else was looking at the guy in the white shirt😍” -Ivy
“I was nervous the whole time waiting for one of them to mess up” -How To Open Stuff
“They are straight up bosses for keeping a straight face the WHOLE time” -MAURICE NITRO

I do have one more quote for you, and this one is important before you watch the video to see the rest of the routine!
“The scream at the end sounded like billions of souls in hell, simultaneously crying in agony as they are being brutally tormented for all eternity.” -Dramawind
Seriously, take head, headphone users.
One fan in the audience does get particulrly loud at the end of the video in an explosion of enthusiasm! Even the microphone can’t take it!
To see just what exactly this group of six sitters can do, you can watch the video below! I highly recommend it!
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