If you’re a pet owner, you know just how close you are to the animals you call your companions.
Anyone who has a cat knows just how intelligent and silly they can be at the same time, as well as how their independent spirit is a good balance against your own energy.

If you have a dog, you know just how loyal and loving those animals can be, how relentless and unconditional their love is. Although the popular narrative in our culture is that there are dog people and cat people, anybody who really loves animals knows that’s not true.
If you don’t believe us, take this video as proof!

The video in question was posted by a singer and performer named Malinda Herman.
Herman is a singer and performer based out of Bangkok, Thailand. Though she’s definitely an accomplished artist with a big Facebook platform, she’s also an animal lover with some pets of her own.

Herman has an adorable little dog as well as a cat, both of whom she loves so much. In fact, her musical videos are inseparable from her life with her animals.
That’s because so many of them seem to include her serenading her pets!

Although she has plenty videos like this on the internet, one of the most popular features her singing “More Than I Can Say.”
The tune is a love song which was originally written by Sonny Curtis and Jerry Allison, one-time members of Buddy Holly’s band called The Crickets.

Although it was originally released in 1960, it has since been covered by many other artists and remains popular to this day. Still, Herman’s version has a more specific audience—it’s aimed directly at her two animals!
After getting settled, Herman starts strumming her guitar and gets ready to sing.

From the very beginning, it’s clear that she has a beautiful and gentle voice—and her guitar skills are there as well.
Still, one of the cutest things about it is that her little dog is perfectly cuddled up in her neck the entire time she’s singing!

His little body fits perfectly in the curves of her guitar and he never leaves her side—but Herman definitely doesn’t mind. Still, the video gets even cuter as she continues to play.
About halfway through the song, Herman’s cat starts singing along in the background!

The whole experience brings a smile to Herman’s face, but it’s not the first time she’s done a video along these lines.
As it turns out, Herman’s whole channel is essentially dedicated to videos that are directly in this genre.

Although the performance of “More Than I Can Say” is her most popular, with closing in on a million views, many of her other serenades have well in the hundreds of thousands of views as well. In all the above, her dog cuddles her and her cat sings along as well!
For more evidence, just watch this video of her singing “I Love You To Want Me.”
Needless to say, Herman’s videos are sure to melt the hearts of any animal lovers out there.
Although we all love our pets, we don’t all the musical skills that Herman does to serenade them ourselves.

Still, after watching her videos, we’re kind of inspired to start! If you love music and animals, you owe it to yourself to check out the rest of her YouTube channel.
Thanks to Malinda Herman and her adorable animals for warming our hearts! Watch the full clip in the link below:
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