Whenever we hear a song that we truly fall in love with, it’s often hard to top it.
Although there’s the obvious fact that a particular person’s voice will have a big affect on the quality of a song, there’s also the simple fact of nostalgia.

Sometimes a great song can transport us back to a particular time or place. Still, when someone takes a great song like that and makes it their own, the results can be truly spectacular.
And that was exactly what happened on one episode of The Voice Kids.

For anyone who’s unfamiliar, The Voice Kids has a very particular format.
Like its parent show, the main structure involves contestants appearing before a panel of judges for a “blind audition.” Each person sings their song and if the judges like what they hear, they can hit a buzzer to turn their chair around and see who’s singing.

From there, the judges compete amongst themselves to convince that person to join their team. While on one level the contestants compete to win the show, on another the judges compete for the best team.
And, of course, this version of the show is open only to kids.

One truly remarkable performance took place on the show’s 2016 season.
Like any other audition, it began with a boy named Lukas walking out onstage up to a piano while all the judges’ backs were turned. After a moment, he plays a few delicate notes—and then sets into Alicia Keys’ “Fallin’.”

From the very first notes, Lukas’s voice is so powerful and absolutely pitch perfect. His singing is so distinctive that the judges all make shocked facial expressions behind their chairs.
It only takes a few seconds before Lukas gets the first judge to push her button!

Seeing that he’ll have a chance to continue no matter what, his family cheers him along.
As he continues, his voice sweeps perfectly between the low and high parts of the song to perfectly capture the spirit of the original.

Within the song, Lukas finds plenty of ways to hit all the challenging notes with crystal clarity while still finding new vocal runs and innovations to add to the melody. Even though the song is incredibly hard to perform, he manages to do the whole thing with complete ease.
By the end of it all, all three judges have smashed their buzzers to compete over Lukas’s talents!

Although it’s definitely hard to top the original version of the song, Lukas just may have accomplished that!
For the most part, the people we see on television who perform songs like this are full-grown adults who are being groomed to be pop stars. As such, we might tend to think that only these kinds of people are the ones who can accomplish the things that they do.

With shows like The Voice Kids and performances like this one, it’s clear that anybody with the passion and the drive can make a huge impact with their talents—no matter how old they are.

Congratulations to Lukas for having one of the best auditions we’ve ever heard on The Voice! Be sure to watch the full performance in the link below:
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