If you’ve ever watched “The Voice,” you know there’s a version of it in almost every country around the world. The blind audition show gives talented singers the chance to perform on national television in their own country. And of course, once their performance is uploaded to the internet, they get to be seen and heard by people around the globe.

Of course, there are a few people they are not seen — at first.
The Voice gives singers the chance to be judged purely on their vocals – at first. Sometimes, the judges don’t need to hear the singer to know instantly they’re a superstar.
That’s what happened for young Flori Alexandra Cutitaru, a contestant who appeared on La Voz Kids in 2018. La Voz is the Spanish version of The Voice. The 2018 season was dedicated to children and teens. One of them was Flori, who made her amazing talent evident from the very start.

The moment she began to sing, the judges’ jaws dropped.
They might not have been able to see her, but they were blown away by her powerful vocals.
Judge Antonio Orozco was the first to turn his chair, but that wasn’t enough. He actually got up and crossed to the stage to sit at Flori’s feet as she sang. Meanwhile, the other judges sat, spellbound by her performance.

Orozco was so blown away by her voice, he even pounded on the stage with excitement.
Meanwhile, the young girl was growing more confident. Her vocals were incredibly strong. And, she could tell that everyone was amazed. She even reached out to Orozco as she sang.
Her family watched from backstage, beaming with pride. When Flori finished her song, she took a deep breath, then flipped her long hair. That’s when the audience went wild.

Flori didn’t go on to win the 2018 season of La Voz, but she did place third in the final.
Orozco was clearly blown away by her first performance. He claimed her for his team during the 2018 season.

Even though Flori didn’t win, her performance garnered admiration from all over the world.
Some people were amazed that she didn’t win the competition.
“How in God’s name did she only come in 3rd?” asked one YouTube commenter. “The winner, Melanie, has her top video with 317k views. The second place finisher, Jeremiah, has his top video with 343k views. But, Flori has 4.3M on Stone Cold; 3M on Vuelvo a Verte, and 2.7M on Without You…”

But others focused less on their disappointment that Flori didn’t win and more on her amazing performance.
“She really has talent,” read one YouTube comment. “This is the best cover of this song ever! She needs to be discovered quick! She has the voice of an angel. She’s the next big thing. She is now my idol. I’m definitely inspired by this. I cried during the whole performance! This is truly incredible. She definitely made my day. She will be going places I can tell you that.”
No matter where Flori goes next, there’s no doubt that we’ll never forget her amazing vocals.
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