If you were polled on your favorite places, “the airport” probably wouldn’t be one of the top ones.
Let’s face it: nobody likes preparing to go to, going to or being at the airport. Though some people get a thrill out of soaring through the air at 30,000 feet (I’m not one of them), trying to time perfectly when you leave your house to make it through traffic and customs is not part of the equation. Although actually waiting at the airport isn’t the worst thing at the world, that’s only true for the (ideally) 15 to 30 minutes you’re sitting comfortably in front of your gate, waiting for the plane to board.
Missing your plane entirely, however, is a situation most of us wouldn’t wish on our worst enemy.

That’s exactly what happened to Katie Gould, a law student from Atlanta—though she handled it a little differently.
As mentioned, Gould was trying to fly out of Atlanta and missed her flight. Though she made plans to get on the next available flight to her destination, the next one wouldn’t come for four hours. She explained what happened in an interview with Travel + Leisure:
“I actually missed my flight because security was so long . . . I’m used to Hartsfield-Jackson security being busy, but this was more than usual for the time of day. They had less TSA agents than they normally do, so I assumed the shut down had something to do with it.”

While she’d wanted to be in her destination of Milwaukee a little bit sooner, she came up with another idea to pass the time.
Though it would be easy to watch Netflix on a phone, read a book or take a nap during that interim, Gould decided instead that she would make a dance video out of her time in the airport. Because Gould knew the airport so well (her mom is a flight attendant, after all), she took her phone from gate to gate and put some headphones in. To set the mood, she put on Hall and Oates’s “You Make My Dreams Come True” and started filming.
Needless to say, the final product is truly incredible.

The video originally appeared on Gould’s Twitter and lasts for a glorious two minutes and twenty seconds.
Throughout the clip, Gould two-steps, boogies, hops, and scoots around all over the airport! In one moment, she’s in front of her gate. In another, it looks like she’s in the bathroom. In another, she prances around in front of the information booth. Later, she even busts some moves on one of the airport’s commuter trains! Perhaps best of all are the guest appearances. At the end of the video, she gets one of the airport staff members to join in on the dancing.
Still, the real star of the video is Gould’s adorable cat, Bowie!

Needless to say, the video has struck a chord with the internet—on Twitter, for example, it has been viewed nearly nine million times!
The tweet itself has been liked some 359,000 times as of writing this though it’s sure to only go up from there. As we’ve already said, she covers all kinds of different dance moves throughout the video. If you look closely, you’re catch a robot, a moonwalk and even a floss dance! For her part, Gould says she was trying to make the best out of a negative situation:
“I was pretty frustrated that whole day with missing my flight, but doing something fun and silly really helped remind me not to take life too seriously . . . I’m just glad it made so many people happy!”

Although there have been other airport dancing videos in the past, we’ve never seen one that we liked as much as this one.
Whether it’s the cat, Gould’s smooth dancing or the Hall and Oates song choice, something about this video is definitely special. It was so special, in fact, that it even got a handful of celebrity endorsements:

Perhaps best of all is that Hall and Oates reached out to Gould themselves!

The next time you find yourself inconvenienced at an airport, we hope you think of Gould’s example and try to spread a little bit of joy instead of moping around too much. Who knows? You might even get a little taste of social media fame out of it!
Congratulations on your viral dance video, Katie!
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