2 Men Sing '12 Days Of Christmas' - Unique Take On It Has Internet Dying Of Laughter
I can't stop laughing at this!
Ryan Aliapoulios

With Christmas season upon us, we all know what that means: more and more Christmas carols.

We all have our favorite songs that get us in the holiday spirit. Whether they are secular or religious, there’s something special about Christmas music that seems to warm hearts around the world. Still, Christmas carols can start to get old after a while because we’ve heard them all so many times. It’s refreshing when someone comes along with an original take or a spin on a familiar classic.

For those reasons, we’d like to point readers to one video in particular which is gaining traction on the web.

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While many people are familiar with the “12 Days of Christmas” song, few have ever seen it performed like this.

The video shows a holiday skit performed by United Student Ministries at the Crossroads Bible Church. It begins with two men bowing to one another while the musicians in the background prepare themselves. After everyone is ready, the children in the background start singing the familiar lyrics: “On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree.”

At that, one of the men jumps onto the other one’s back and lets out an inspired bird call.

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Of course, the audience cracks up.

But the song continues as the pair keep doing their impersonations—which quickly begin to add up. The audience is still laughing well into the performance though it soon becomes clear how exhausting the entire performance must be. Things go up a notch when they get to the seventh day— and bring in props.


As the song goes on, the two performers can barely keep up with the singers in the background.

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This one needs to be watched to be fully appreciated.

We won’t ruin any of the impersonations these two come up with but each one is funnier than the last. By the end of the video, the two men collapse in exhaustion and the audience applauds. Although you’re sure to see much more Christmas content before this seasons is over, this performance is a fun twist on an all-too-familiar classic.

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So far, the video has garnered more than 500,000 views on YouTube.

Though the holidays can be a beautiful time, it can also be emotionally exhausting (which this clip captures all too well). If you need to blow off a little steam, be sure to check out the video below!

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